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Showing posts from July, 2014

We Have It So Good!

"Daddy, why do we watch fireworks?".... "Daddy! Why do we watch fireworks?!" With that, my son managed to snap me out of my iPhone-induced trance, and without knowing it, he inspired this blog.  We had been sitting on the tailgate of a truck for at least an hour, waiting for the fireworks show to start in a small Southwest Oklahoma town about eight miles from where I grew up. While we were waiting, I knew I had some time on my hands, so I began sifting through the list of ideas that I have for future blog posts (we've got some good ones coming!). I was trying to figure out what I was going to write about today. I bounced back and forth between a few ideas. In fact, I started writing two different posts while we sat there. It's amazing what you can do with your phone these days. Then he hit me with that question. I had not anticipated it. That was a mistake on my part. It only makes sense.  He's three years old, and he has just started the &q