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About Me

My name is Lute, and I'm living a dream!

I have been married to my wonderful wife for almost 15 years, and I am the proud father of two beautiful children. 

Keri Beth, Krosby, Drew, and Me
We live in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, and I am a part of the greatest profession in the world. I am an educator.  As a teacher and coach, I believe that I have a responsibility to make a positive difference in the lives of my students. There is a long list of educators that made that kind of a difference in my life, and I am now doing my best to pay it forward to the next generation. If I had to verbalize my own personal mission statement, it would sound something like this: "I want to empower an army of young people who are equipped and inspired to change the world."

I grew up in Oklahoma, and I married my high school sweetheart.  I studied History and Psychology at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX (Pony Up!), and I earned my Master's Degree in Education Administration from Lamar University in Beaumont, TX. Somewhere in the middle of all of that, there were sports. LOTS of sports...

Underneath all of the sports stuff that most people see (I am a high school football coach, after all), I am actually a closet nerd. I love to read, and I do it as much as I can. Most of what I read revolves around leadership, motivation, etc..., but I also love getting into books about football and my Christian faith. I spend very little time reading fiction unless we are talking about that one occasion when my wife convinced me to read the "Hunger Games" series (don't judge me).
The cutest kids on the planet

I've been thinking about blogging for a while, and I have just never quite gotten around to it.  Between school, church, football games, track meets, kids, graduate school, and everything else life throws at us, who has time to blog, right? Well, I'm going to give it a shot. I guess we'll see how it goes.

They (whoever "they" are) say that a blog should have a main point of emphasis. Well, the point of emphasis for this blog is "stuff I want to talk about."  That narrows it down, right?  In my mind this is going to be a place that I can use to share stories and ideas that might spark some conversations with other people who are striving to make a difference.

Having said that, I guess I should get started.  I truly hope that you find something here that you think is worth reading.

Follow me on Twitter:  @Lutecroy


  1. Luke, Love your blog. Keep up the great work in serving your family and students!

  2. My bad on the name misspell, Lute! Have a great day!


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