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Showing posts from June, 2014

What's Your Job?

I read an article once that featured Richard Robinson, the CEO of Scholastic Books. In the article Robinson tells about a time when he was visiting their distribution center in Jefferson City, Missouri. As he was touring the facility, he started talking to a man driving a forklift, and during that conversation, he asked him, "What is your job? What are you doing here?" I'll never forget what the forklift driver said. "My job is to help children love to read."   What a statement! If Robinson was asking us the same question in our own workplaces, how many of us would have responded with such a statement? Most of us would respond with something along the lines of "I'm a teacher," "I'm a coach," "I'm a forklift driver," or "I'm an insurance salesman." All too often we allow our job titles to define us. It's easy to do because most of us take great pride in our job titles. I know I am proud of

Everyone Makes A Difference

                    For many people out there, the thought of going to the dentist conjures up images such as the one above (or MUCH worse). Honestly, I've never been one to dread going to the dentist's office.  Maybe I have just been fortunate throughout my life. I never had a bad dental experience as a child, and I love the dentist that my wife and I use here in Tulsa.  He's awesome! Now, lets get something straight. I'm not saying that I start doing cartwheels when it's time to go to the dentist, but I am saying that it doesn't really bother me. On that note, I'd like to share a story with you. It will lay out some concepts that you can start applying to your life the moment that you are done reading. I promise. My Teeth Apparently brushing every day doesn't necessarily overcome the amount of sugar that can be found in my Venti White Mocha from Starbucks (who knew?). As a result of my affinity for sugary coffee (and maybe a few sugary snacks no

Don't Give Up Your Freedom

First of all, I want to say THANK YOU for all of the encouraging feedback that I have received for my first post, " Live Like A Champion. "  I couldn't believe how many people read it, and I was humbled when I saw complete strangers retweeting the link. Thank you so much! I hope I can produce more posts that folks can relate to and learn from in the future. Now lets get down to business. Raise your hand if you've ever sent a text, read a text, checked an email, or looked at any of your social media accounts on your phone while driving you car? If you didn't raise you hand, that means one of three things: 1) You do not have a license. 2) You're not human. 3) You're guilty, but you think it's stupid to raise your hand while sitting by yourself, reading some guy's blog. Next question: How many of you, upon committing this abhorrent deed, thought the following (or something similar) to yourself? "What a jerk! I am so inconsiderate of t